A Vision for Progress: Liyah Babayan Aiming for Twin Falls City Council Seat #3

A Stalwart Advocate for Transparent Governance and Community Advancement
October 18, 2023
Liyah Babayan
Liyah Babayan Twin Falls

In the forthcoming elections, the voters of Twin Falls have the opportunity to elect a candidate with a formidable track record of community service and civic engagement. Liyah Babayan, a local small business owner, author, and former Twin Falls School Board Trustee, is vying for the Twin Falls City Council Seat #3 with a vision steeped in integrity, accountability, and the betterment of everyday lives of the Twin Falls residents.

Steadfast Commitment to Public Service

Liyah Babayan isn’t a new face in Twin Falls’ public service sphere. Her tenure as a School Board Trustee for the Twin Falls School District saw her steering crucial decisions concerning budgeting, the construction of new schools, effective management of State and Federal funding, contract negotiations, and hiring the new superintendent. Her commitment was further reflected through her significant involvement in Twin Falls City’s 2030 Strategic Plan and the Main Street Redesign Committee as part of the Urban Renewal Project Advisory in 2016.

Championing Fiscal Responsibility

One of Babayan’s core beliefs is the prudent management of taxpayer dollars. She advocates for transparency, efficiency, and accountability in financial dealings, ensuring that every dollar is utilized optimally for the benefit of the community. Her background as a small business owner during the economic recession has honed her skills in smart budgeting and resource management, attributes that are essential for effective governance.

A Multifaceted Approach to Local Issues

Babayan’s campaign addresses several pressing issues including affordable housing, fostering a healthy community, ensuring natural resource sustainability, and promoting a government that’s friendly to small businesses. Her comprehensive approach to these issues underscores her understanding of the interconnectedness of these facets and their collective impact on the community’s quality of life.

An Array of Honors and Recognitions

Her dedication to public service has not gone unnoticed. Over the years, Babayan has been honored with numerous awards including the “Service to Education” award by the T.F. School District, the Idaho Civil Rights Service Award, and the “Extra Mile” Award by Governor Brad Little, among others. These accolades reflect not only her service but the positive impact and difference she has made in her community.

A People-Centric Campaign

The campaign, dubbed “The People’s Campaign,” is grounded on inclusivity and community engagement. Babayan encourages the residents of Twin Falls to partake in the electoral process, not just through voting, but by actively engaging in her campaign. She has provided multiple avenues for supporters to contribute, be it through hosting gatherings, sharing posts, or financial contributions via various channels.

Independent and People-Focused Governance

Running as an Independent Candidate, Babayan aims to transcend partisan politics and focus on the core issues that affect the people of Twin Falls. She envisions a council free from corporate or special interest influence, where decisions are made with the people’s best interests at heart.

Liyah Babayan’s candidacy brings a promise of responsible, transparent, and people-focused governance to the fore. Her rich history of community service, coupled with her professional acumen, positions her as a candidate capable of ushering in positive change and fostering a conducive environment for the growth and prosperity of Twin Falls.

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