Connie M. Smith: Twin Falls City Council Candidate

Connie M. Smith: A Dedicated Voice for Twin Falls, Championing Safety, Growth, and Heritage
October 21, 2023
Connie M. Smith
Connie M. Smith

Hometown Connection: Born and raised in Twin Falls, Connie M. Smith has a deep-rooted connection to her community. Her education, including studies at the College of Southern Idaho (CSI), further cements her bond with the city.

Professional Background: Connie is a licensed insurance agent, showcasing her commitment to safeguarding the interests of the community. She has recently entered retirement, allowing her to dedicate her full time to the city council, ensuring that citizens can approach her with any issues.

Safety and Education: Connie’s primary motivation for running for city council stems from her concern about the content accessible to children in schools. She believes in ensuring that educational materials are appropriate and has been alarmed by instances where parents were restricted from discussing certain school materials in public forums.

Airport Growth and Infrastructure: Reflecting on the historical discussions from the 1960s about moving the airport, Connie emphasizes the need for better freeway access to the regional airport. She believes that a truly regional airport requires freeway access to encourage growth and make it more accessible to the wider region. Direct access to the airport can stimulate growth, bringing in more flights and opportunities for Twin Falls.

Zoning and Citizen Involvement: Connie is personally involved in a zoning issue in Twin Falls and stresses the importance of citizen input. She questions why residents aren’t given more information or a say when areas of the city are up for rezoning. Ensuring that every person in an affected zone is informed and has a voice is one of her key priorities.

Affordable Housing and Senior Living: Recognizing the uneven distribution of senior communities across Twin Falls, Connie advocates for more balanced growth. She emphasizes the need for affordable housing and senior living opportunities in all areas of the city, ensuring that everyone has access to suitable living conditions.

Historic Preservation: Connie is a staunch supporter of recognizing and preserving the historic districts of Twin Falls. She believes in the importance of safeguarding the city’s heritage and ensuring that historic neighborhoods are recognized and protected.

Conclusion: Connie M. Smith offers a blend of personal connection, professional expertise, and a genuine concern for the well-being of Twin Falls. Her priorities, from safety to historic preservation, reflect a holistic approach to city governance. For those who value a candidate with deep ties to the community and a commitment to transparent, inclusive governance, Connie M. Smith presents a compelling choice for the Twin Falls City Council.

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